A recent survey has shown that developing high performance teams is the number 1 challenge for Human Resources above other key issues such as Managing and Sourcing Talent, Succession Planning and Performance Management.

This confirms our experience in working with our corporate clients.

Teamwork is the single most important sustainable competitive edge for your business. It requires courage, discipline and energy, something most executives do not posses.

As Patrick Lencioni says: ‘not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare’

Genuine teamwork is the elusive ‘Holy Grail’.

All businesses rely on the strength of their teams to deliver their goals, objectives and strategy. The successful delivery of the strategy is enhanced if the team is functioning effectively and co-operating with each other.

What makes a high performing team? How do you build a high performing team? What are the real issues with your team?

Looking at it from a positive perspective a high performing team will:

  1. Trust one another
  2. Engage in unfiltered conflict discussions around ideas
  3. Have Collective Responsibility – they will commit to decisions and plan actions
  4. Hold one another accountable for delivering against plans
  5. Focus on achieving the collective result.

The benefits you get are:

  1. Better motivation and a reduction in conflict
  2. Improved Leadership and Management Performance
  3. Improved team dynamics and effectiveness
  4. Better communication.

Is this your team…if not how can you make it so?

Why is it difficult to achieve?

If you want some answers call us now!